Transcript of “Duke And Friends’ Involvement In Operation Red Dog / Bayou of Pigs”

Duke And Friends' Involvement In Operation Red Dog / Bayou of Pigs

Duke And Friends’ Involvement In Operation Red Dog / Bayou of Pigs

And Ted got the following article for us from

Nip Tuck with Dave Emory
KFJC, Los Altos Hills

“[Dave Emory:] Granada was the target.  The aim was to overthrow the revolution led by the New Jewel movement, and to return the ousted tyrant, Eric Gairy, to power.

Mercenary leader, Michael Perdue of Houston, Texas, began plotting his counter-revolution as soon as he read published accounts of the revolution in the spring of 1979.

First, he sought out Gairy, met him in San Diego, and put forward this proposition:

For a price, Perdue would overturn Maurice Bishop’s government and reinstate Gairy as Prime Minister.

Gairy agreed and told Perdue to proceed.

Perdue then contacted his old friend in New Orleans, David Duke, one-time Nazi and former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; now leader of the National Association for the Advancement of White People.

Duke helped by putting Perdue in touch with several of his contacts, beginning a tangled web of international fascist intrigue and high finance.

One of Duke’s referrals was to German-born Wolfgang W. Droege, an organizer for the KKK in Canada whose father had been a personal friend of the notorious Nazi war criminal Julius Streicher.

Another was Don Andrews, former head of the Western Guard, Canada’s neo-Nazi party.

A third was J.W. Kirkpatrick, a prominent attorney in Memphis, Tennessee whose ties to Duke and the Klan had never been publicly revealed.

Keep in mind Kirkpatrick here, because we’re going to talk about him again later in the broadcast.

Each of these men eagerly joined the burgeoning conspiracy against the young revolution in tiny Granada.

Droege became second-in-command of the invasion force.

Andrews recommended using the island of Dominica as a base for the attack on Granada, and on the recommendation of his friend Arnie Poli, invested in a Dominican coffee firm to furnish cover for intelligence-gathering trips and supply shipments.

Kirkpatrick and an unidentified associated contributed $10,000 to help finance the plot.

Purdue later said he got another $45,000 from James White, a business associate.

In Toronto, they worked out a plan for the attack.

It called for Gairy to accompany the landing party from Dominica and lead his Granadian supporters.

But Gairy refused.

He was unwilling to land until a mercenary force had captured police headquarters and the army barracks.

The argument that ensured between Perdue and Gairy ended their partnership and Perdue began to consider other possibilities.

Well, specifically, Perdue redirected this incipient Klan-and-Nazi coup against the island of Dominica.

Initially, as we just saw, the island of Dominica was to have been used as an operational base for the planned attack upon Granada.

Now, one of the details here that Lawrence points out which is significant for our purposes here, is the fact that Michael Perdue represented this coup attempt, represented the incipient coup against Dominica, as, basically as a U.S. government operation.

This is how he represented it to the Klansmen and Nazis he recruited for his group.

And obviously, all official statements concerning this venture were that Perdue’s statements about U.S. government support were puffery.

However, as we are going to see, there are indications that indeed the government may have had unspecified connections with this particular coup attempt.

Or at least with this particular group, if not for this particular attempt.

At any rate, Michael Perdue’s claims that the United States government was behind this Klan-and-Nazi coup, Ken Lawrence writes as follows:

“All the recruits were gathered under false pretenses.
Perdue told them he was a Viet Nam veteran with combat and mercenary
experience in both Nicaragua and Uruguay.

“Perdue told them he was a Viet Nam veteran with combat and mercenary experience in both Nicaragua and Uruguay.

“He claimed he had backing from the CIA and the State Department, and that former Texas governor John Connolly and U.S. Representative Ronald Paul knew what he was doing, and approved of it.

“He told them he would be fighting Communism in Dominica.”

Still another indication – a very hard indication of the involvement of U.S. government forces in this particular Klan-and-Nazi coup attempt concerns the fact that all the Klansmen and Nazis gathered at and were recruited from a mercenary training school which is run by the Ku Klux Klan.

It, um – I guess actually this is not formally a Ku Klux Klan mercenrary training school.

The Klan itself does have a number of, sort of, Klan and Special Forces training schools.

But this particular group of Klansmen and Nazis were assembling at the mercenary training school of a fellow by the name of Frank Camper.

As it turned out, Frank Camper works for the FBI.   He’s an FBI informer.

And, in addition, it’s worth noting that Camper’s entire mercenary school was once busted near a nuclear power plant where they were conducting some sort of unspecified operation.

At any rate, keep in mind that Frank Camper is a
government agent, because it was at his camp that the basic recruiting was done for this particular attempted coup against Dominica.

Again, done by Klansmen and Nazis.

On Frank Camper’s work for the U.S. government, Lawrence writes as follows:

This little sub-section of the article is entitled “Camper’s Training School and the FBI”.

The article begins with a short sub-section here.

It begins with a photocopy of an ad that appeared in Soldier of Fortune.

The ad reads as follows:

“Mercenary School. 7-day survival course. 7-day combat course.  Professional cadre.  Affordable training in demolitions, weapons, unarmed combat.   Details and applications $1.00.  Send it to P.O. Box 309, Dolomite, Alabama 35061.”

And then Lawrence writes as follows:

“In our first installment, we showed that this
advertisement from the March 1981 Soldier of Fortune recruited potential mercenaries for Franklin Joseph Camper’s training school.

“Camper was aware of the Dominica plot, but declined to participate.

“In July, Camper’s training school received considerable play in the press.

“Feature stories with photographs in the Washington Star, the Christian Science Monitor, the Huntsville Times, and hundreds of other papers via Associated Press.

“Nearly all of the free advertising for mercenary training in the U.S. was promoting Frank Camper, it seemed.

“But two weeks after the publicity blitz began, the Birmingham News and the Tampa Tribune learned that Camper was an FBI informer when the Dade County prosecutor listed him as a key witness against his erstwhile partner, Robert Lisenby, on explosives and weapons charges in Miami.

“Camper’s cover had been so effective that Lisenby’s father wrote to Soldier of Fortune after his son’s arrest to solicit information.

“Why would anyone with Mr. Camper be arrested?

“He seems like a very fine young man and according to my son, Robert, is one of his best friends.

“Yet right now it seems like both face very stiff prison terms due to some informer.

“If anyone can shed any light on the matter, please write us.

“The same issue also ran a letter ridiculing Camper for the training exercise near a Florida nuclear power plant that got his entire ‘school’ arrested for trespassing.

“Camper wasn’t happy that he’d been exposed.

“’The reason I work with the government is to help counter terrorism, and I can’t do that if my identity is known.’

“He also feared that the unwanted publicity would hurt his mercenary school.

“‘The Bureau has done me a great deal of harm.’

“Once the truth was out, Camper admitted that his work for the FBI began years ago when he posed as a ‘disgruntled Viet Nam vet’ in order to spy on the Alabama Black Liberation Front and the Communist Party.

“ABLF activists contacted by CAIB had no recollection at all of Camper, but Jim Bains, now secretary of the Birmingham Peace Council, remembered him well.

“‘I don’t think he ever successfully infiltrated

“‘As far as I know, everybody assumed he was a cop, he was such a classic.’

“‘I vividly recall the first time he showed up in his fatigues at an anti-draft meeting at Birmingham Southern College in 1969 or 70.’

“‘He advocated bombs, blowing up draft boards and things like that.’

“ ‘Everyone thought either he was absolutely crazy or more likely a provocateur sent to destroy the anti-war movement.’

“ For a brief period, Camper’s ads disappeared from Soldier of Fortune, but apparently most of his potential recruits missed the stories about his FBI connection.

“ He now advertises his Merc school as ‘Best in the USA’.

“ The April 1982 issue of Gung Ho, another mercenary magazine in which Camper advertises, contains a long article about his training school, complete with color photos.

“ It not only makes no mention of Camper’s career as an informer, but actually implies the opposite, mentioning his two arrests in Florida, and his connection with the Dominica coup plot.

“ ‘I knew he had been in and out of controversy and jail through confrontations with the law, especially with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,’ wrote the author.

“ So it would seem that Camper had successfully restored his cover, placing him in an enviable position for a government agent.

“ Many of the most serious potential mercenaries will be attracted to him.

“ Those the government may find useful can be recruited for the usual dirty work, while those who support causes not approved by the U.S. can be found out and stopped.”

Well, as mentioned, once the falling-out between Perdue and Eric Gairy occurred, the target of this intended Klan-and-Nazi coup was switched from Granada to the base-island of Dominica.

Initially, you will recall, that Dominica, a small island in the Caribbean, was to be – well, really, it was to serve the incipient coup group as a base of operations and as a supply base.

Now, one of the interesting things concerning that, the abortive coup against Dominica, the plotters were arrested and never got to put their plan into effect.

They were arrested on their way to the boat that they were going to take to Dominica in order to overthrow the government there of Prime Minister Eugenie Charles.

Now, one of the interesting things concerning the – aftermath I guess you could call it of the attempted Klan or Nazi coup – was that Prime Minister Charles used the attempted coup as an excuse to crack down on the Left in Dominica.

Now, this is an interesting thing because, of course, this coup was an attempt by ultra-rightists.

And yet, nonetheless, the prime minister of Dominica – who, as we are going to see in just a minute is quite close to the United States and the REAGAN administration – she used this as an excuse to crack down on the Left.

Ken Lawrence describes this as follows:

“ Although the plotting has been the work of former discredited officials partly backed by outside fascists, Prime Minister Eugenia Charles has used these episodes as a pretext for a crack-down on leftists and a general escalation of political repression.”

The Dominica Liberation Movement says:

“ A reign of police terror” has descended upon the island since the original state of emergency was declared.

“ Including the brutal killing of a youth, John Rose Lindsey, in police detention, and the routine use of torture during interrogation.”

“ Eleven other police killings have also been protested by the DLM.

“ Newspapers from Cuba and Grenada have been banned by the government.

“ DLM general secretary Bill Riviere protested a police rampage last June:

“ ‘Young men and some women were punched in the head and jaw, kicked in the groin, slapped in the face; a few were gun-butted in the head and others in the face and stomach.

“ ‘And some were kicked in the face and head as they fell to the ground.

“ ‘These blows were accompanied by insults of the worst kind.’

“ ‘One victim lost a number of teeth and another’s head and face were severely battered.

“ ‘Yet in the end, not a single one of them has been charged.’

Still more interesting is the fact that not only did this attempted right-wing coup serve Prime Minister Charles of Dominica as an excuse to crack down on the left, but in addition, the United States and Dominica then engaged in a, well, a process of arms sales whereby the small nation was armed to, at least to a much greater extent than it had previously been armed.

And, it’s worth noting that the conduits for the arms flowing to Dominica from the United States were the, were not only Jamaica, but also the islands of Barbados, Saint Vincent and Saint Lucia.

And this is worth noting, because those islands, along with Dominica, were the, well, they, they, they formed an organization – the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States – which basically, nominally provided the excuse for the REAGAN administration to launch their military incursion and conquest of the island of Granada last Fall.

Recall that initially, the Dominican coup attempt, as we’ve seen, was to be directed against Granada.

And this, once the Granadian target was switched to Dominica and the coup was, the plotters were arrested, that incipient coup, that intended coup, was used as an excuse not only to crack down on the left but to arm Dominica.

And one of the interesting things is that the then-armed Dominica participated in the invasion of Granada along with the various states which served as the conduit for U.S. arms to Dominica.

Again, keep all this in mind.

Of the United States’ arming of Dominica following the abortive Klan-and-Nazi coup, Lawrence writes as follows:

“ After the first Klan-and-Nazi coup attempt, Prime Minister Charles flew to Washington to ask for U.S. military, which is being given in several forms.

“  The State Department arranged a U.S. $60,000 grant and a number of Dominican police are now undergoing training in Panama.

“ U.S. arms and ammunition have been donated through Edward Seaga’s government in Jamaica.

“ Dominica will join Barbados, Saint Vincent and Saint Lucia in a regional coastguard service while negotiations are underway toward the creation of a regional army.

“  Meanwhile, the Barbados defense force, beefed up and modernized by the U.S., will be on call, while the Dominican police force is expanded and given a paramilitary component.”

“ A CIA source told Robert Allan Michaels, writing for Caribbean Review:

“ that Dominica is also being defended by ‘a western European nation or nations’, probably France or Britain.

Michaels also concurs with CAIB’s report of CIA involvement on behalf of Eugenia Charles and the Freedom Party in the July 1980 election.

So keep in mind reports that the CIA actually helped Prime Minister Charles to power.

Keep in mind that the, the abortive coup directed by the Klansmen and Nazis served as an excuse not only for her to crack down on the Left but also as an excuse for her, for, that is, Prime Minister Charles, to arm Dominica.

Recall that Prime Minister Charles appeared at REAGAN’s side when he announced the invasion of Granada.

Recall, also, that Granada was, as we saw, the initial target of the Dominica coup plotters.

KFJC, Los Altos Hills.

One of the most interesting things concerning the aftermath of this coup is the fact that, of the – well, there are various accounts, of twelve, twenty-eight or forty plotters – or financial backers of the intended Klan or Nazi coup against Dominica, only two of them were indicted.

And David Duke, who admitted his involvement in the coup right from the beginning, was not indicted.

This of course raises questions as to why these people were indicted.

They broke the law.

They were violating the Neutrality Act.

And yet, why weren’t they indicted, or in most cases, even named?

And of course, this once again suggests at least the possibility that this group of Klansmen and Nazis may have been connected with the government, perhaps, as Michael Perdue claimed, even operating on behalf of the U.S. government.

While the Dominica government was friendly to the United States, and so certainly the U.S. would not want it overthrown, it is worth noting that the Klan and Nazi coup, as we’ve seen, was used by Prime Minister Charles to strengthen her hand.

Not only to eliminate the left-wing opposition or to crack down on the left, but also to arm her regime as well.

So, in speculating concerning possible – I say possible – motivations for U.S. involvement, U.S. government involvement with this group, the strengthening of the Charles regime in Dominica certainly has to be regarded as a possible – and I underline possible – excuse for that involvement, if that involvement was there.

That the U.S. government may have been involved with this coup is indicated by some of the strange circumstances and some of the rather extraordinary legal maneuvering around the case.

Or, lack of legal maneuvering, I should say.

Remember now that only two of the financial backers of this plot were ever indicted.

And yet of the twelve mercenaries that were going to be departing for Dominica, only ten were arrested.

There appear to be two missing, and as yet unnamed, mercenaries.

Of the strange handling of this case following the arrest of the twelve people who were going to be going – the twelve mercenaries who were going to be heading to Dominica, Ken Lawrence writes as follows:

“ While it is clear that the U.S. had strong reasons to nip the Klan-Nazi conspiracy in the bud, what if the plotters had stuck to their original aim of overturning the Granadian revolution?

“ It is possible that the U.S. and Canadian authorities might have looked the other way and permitted the attempt.

“ Some aspects of the plot that are still being kept secret are suggested.

“ Why, for example, of the twelve, forty, or eighty backers of the coup, depending on which report you choose to believe, were only two indicted by the Grand Jury?

“ Why are the identities of the others not disclosed?

“ Perhaps because the U.S. government has something to hide.

“ Similarly, why was no action taken against the
unidentified “several others”, the Los Angeles Times had refused to answer the Grand Jury’s question.

“ In this respect, David Duke is a significant figure.  He was central to the original plot and never denied his role in it.

“ He rebuffed the Grand Jury yet no action at all was taken against him.

“ This, plus the highly suspicious fact that Duke sent Perdue to a boat captain who as an ATF informer lends some credibility to old charges leveled by Duke’s Klan rivals that he is a government agent.

“ If so, it would suggest that the U.S. looked favorably on the intentions of this rag-tag bag – rag-tag band of Klansmen, Nazis and gangsters – so long as they kept their sights set firmly
on Granada.

“ One cannot be certain, however.

“ It seems unlikely that a group this weak and incompetent could pose a significant military threat to the Granadian revolution.

“ Even if assisted by Eric Gairy’s fifth column on the island.

“ But a failure by such a group is likely to sharpen the alertness of Granadians to the threat their country faces from the U.S.

“ Prime Minister Maurice Bishop documented the seriousness of this danger in a letter to then-U.N. secretary-general Kurt Waldheim last August.

Last August would be in August of 1981.

“ Bishop pointed out that the U.S.-NATO military maneuver called Ocean Venture 81 – the largest such exercise since World War II – had as its target a fictional group of Caribbean islands called Amber and the Amberdines.

“ A thinly disguised reference to Granada and the Grenadines.

“ The practice amphibious landing took place on the south eastern tip of the Puerto Rican island Vieques, which corresponds to an area of Granada that actually is called Amber.

“ Other equally obvious similarities were shown.

“ With an attack of this magnitude being practiced, it does seem improbable that a small and inept band of mercenaries would be considered a serious U.S. option.”

Recall, now, that it is possible that this small and inept band of mercenaries may have been intended by the government as a, sort of a provocateur element in order to – drive or propel Prime Minister Charles of Dominica to the right.


That certainly is one hypothesis that we looked at just a minute ago.

And it must be kept in mind – although Lawrence’s point here is certainly well taken that a small group like this would not appear to be the primary vehicle that the U.S. government would select to operate against Granada in light of the massive military force which was used in this maneuver.

And later, of course, in the actual invasion of Granada itself.

Still, though, the twelve, forty or eighty unnamed backers of the coup and many other curious circumstances concerning the handling, or lack of handling of many of these plotters or alleged plotters is worth taking note of.

One last note here which Lawrence adds in that regard concerns two unnamed members of the mercenary party.

Initially, twelve people were to be ferried to the island of Dominica.

Lawrence talks about this as follows:

Only ten were arrested.

“ Another puzzle the U.S. hasn’t answered concerns two unidentified members of the invading party.

“ Perdue contracted with Howell.”

Howell was the guy who was going to run the boat to get them to Dominica.

“ Perdue contracted with Howell to transport twelve, yet only ten were arrested.

“ Who were the other two?

“ One was probably Canadian Klan leader, Alex McQuirter.

“ He had originally been slated to lead one of the mercenary groups but couldn’t join the group in New Orleans because he was barred from the U.S. in January of 1981.

“ What about number twelve?

“ No one has yet identified the missing mercenary.”

It is – before summing up here, there’s one last article that I’d like to read you and it’s certainly, I think, food for thought under the circumstances.

Now, in the last broadcast before this one, we took a look at a number of curious indications that David Duke might be a U.S. government agent.

And uh – certainly, his – the, the, the failure of – Dave – the fact that David Duke was not indicted here despite the fact that he confessed his part in the intended coup against Dominica right from the beginning is still, well, it has to be regarded, I think, as still further evidence that David Duke is a U.S. government agent.

You will recall that one detective who had been monitoring the Klan for some years suspected that Duke was CIA.

And keep in mind that the fact that the initial target of these plotters was Granada.

And keep in mind the fact that eventually Granada was invaded by and of course conquered by the United States.

One of the mercenaries who was arrested and is still in prison in connection with the plot against Dominica is a fellow by the name of Don Black.

He succeeded David Duke as Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan when Duke went on to his National Association for the Advancement of White People.

And, the last article I’m going to read you here is a plea by David Duke for the release of Don Black.

And interestingly, he takes note of the fact that the Dominican plotters were initially simply trying to do as private citizens what President REAGAN was trying to do as president.

And, it’s worth keeping in mind whether perhaps the Klan and Nazi group were actually functioning under U.S. government auspices when they attempted to invade Dominica.

Or, perhaps, when they were plotting to invade Granada.

Research credit for the following article goes to Ted Rubenstein, who is currently working – or has, up until recently, been working as a research assistant with Rebel Magazine, a Larry Flint publication coming out of Los Angeles.

And Ted got the following article for us from The Las Vegas Sun of October 28th of 1983.

It’s a UPI story dateline New Orleans and headlined:

“ Ex KKK leader reveals ’79 plot for invasion”.

“A former Ku Klux Klan leader Thursday revealed for the first time that he put some mercenaries of the deposed prime minister Eric Gairy in touch with some KKK members for an invasion of Granada in 1979.

“ But the plan was aborted in favor of a plot against neighboring Dominica.

“ Breaking a four-year silence on the plot, David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK discussed the events in an interview with UPI and demanded freedom from jail for a Klansman who plotted against prime minister Eugenia Charles of Dominica.

“ Duke, who was questioned by the federal Grand Jury that indicted Don Black and nine others, said:

“ ‘The Granada invasion is a vindication of Don Black and the other valiant men who were arrested and prosecuted by over-zealous federal agents for daring to fight against Communism.

“ ‘I think it’s a gross injustice that Mr. Black is imprisoned for trying to do courageously as a private citizen what President REAGAN is trying to do today.’

“ Black, who took over as Grand Wizard when Duke resigned, is serving three years in a federal prison.”

One more thing I think that’s worth taking a look at in connection with the attempted Dominican coup – one thing I forgot to mention just a second ago – concerns what eventually happened to J.W. Kirkpatrick.

Now, Kirkpatrick was contacted by Duke to provide $10,000 to the coup plot – to the Dominican coup plot.

Now, eventually, when word came out of Kirkpatrick’s involvement, he committed suicide, or allegedly committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth.

This is described by Ken Lawrence in Covert Action Information Bulletin.

“ J.W. Kirkpatrick of Memphis, Tennessee, and an
unidentified associate, gave $10,000 to Perdue toward his original scheme to conquer Granada.

“ Kirkpatrick was a prominent attorney specializing in insurance defense, probate, corporate, family, medical malpractice and personal injury law.

“ He had written to David Duke endorsing Duke’s views following an appearance on television to promote the Ku Klux Klan, and the two were good friends for about four years.

“ Duke sent Perdue to Kirkpatrick shortly after the original plot against Granada was hatched.

“ Five days after Perdue testified in court about Kirkpatrick’s $10,000 contribution, and on the very day that the assistant U.S. attorney in New Orleans announced that he planned to seek indictments against the coup’s financial backers, Kirkpatrick drove to Earl, Arkansas, and committed suicide with a shotgun.

“ His law partner, Max Lucas, described him as ‘a knight of old who preferred death to dishonor’.

“ Another colleague called him a ‘super-ultra-ultra-ultra-conservative’. He thought the country was going to hell in a hand-basket.”

And in a footnote to that passage I’ve just read you, Ken Lawrence writes as follows:

“ David Duke has questioned whether Kirkpatrick actually killed himself.

“ It is true that the method, a shotgun blast in the mouth, is one that Colonel K. Fletcher Prouty has described as an assassination technique used by the CIA to eliminate evidence of murder.

“ In this case, however, a suicide note not released to the press seems to have convinced Kirkpatrick’s survivors that the act was just what it seemed to be.”

So, again, we don’t know, but one of the two financial backers of this coup plot that did come to light died under as yet ambiguous circumstances.

So, we really don’t know.

But keep in mind the fact that this whole thing may have been a U.S. government operation and keep in mind the many U.S. government or possible U.S. government connections to it.

Before we wind up here, I’d like to sum up what we’ve looked at in this broadcast.

First of all, we began by taking a look at KKK leader, or former KKK leader and possible U.S. government agent David Duke’s central involvement, along with a man named Michael Perdue in putting together a combined Nazi and Klan mercenary group which was initially plotting with former Granadian prime minister, Granadian dictator, Eric Gairy, to take over the island of Granada.

When Gairy and Perdue failed to see eye-to-eye concerning the methodology for that coup, the target was switched to the Caribbean island of Dominica, initially intended by the coup group as – to serve them as a base of operations in their intended coup against Granada.

Following that, we took a look at Michael Perdue’s assertions to the coup participants, or intended coup participants that basically the coup was – had the backing of the United States government, and specifically the CIA and the State Department.

Interestingly enough, Perdue also said that former Texas governor and former secretary-general of the Navy, John Connolly, was aware of the plot and was backing it as well.

Next, we took a look at the fact that this entire mercenary group was recruited and put together at a mercenary training camp run by an FBI informer named Frank Camper.

And we also took a look at the fact that Frank Camper’s informing work for the FBI began when he was an attempted infiltrator of the anti-war movement.

And it’s worth noting that even after his involvement in the Dominican coup attempt surfaced, Camper was right back with work with his mercenary school and apparently was still well connected and still getting quite a few advertisements out to the mercenary community.

And, one of the things that the author of the Covert Action Information Bulletin suggested was the possibility that in his role as a mercenary camp leader, basically Frank Camper was in a position to not only recruit mercenaries for potential government under-cover operations, but also to stifle any operations that the government did not approve of.

And, we took a look at the fact that this right-ring coup, or attempted right-wing coup against the island of Dominica served Dominican prime minister Eugenia Charles as an excuse for a crack-down on the left.

Furthermore, we took a look at the fact that this coup attempt was used by Charles and the United States government as an excuse for arming the island of Dominica.

And the conduits through which these arms flowed from the U.S. to Dominica were the Jamaican government of Edward Seaga; also the islands of Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia and Barbados.

Now, all of those groups served in the – the Eastern Caribbean Community of Nations – I’ve forgotten what the exact name of that organization is.

Anyway, and the uh, group of – the Association of Caribbean nations, basically, whose sanction was sought out and received by the REAGAN administration for the Granadian invasion.

Their request was the nominal excuse for the United States to go into Granada, and all of these governments – Jamaica, Dominica, Saint Vincent, Saint Lucia and Barbados – were involved with the United States in the Granadian invasion.

At least nominally.

And, it’s worth noting that Dominican prime minister Eugenia Charles, who, according to Ken Lawrence, was installed – or received help in her election by the CIA – she was standing at REAGAN’s side when he announced the Granadian invasion.

Keep in mind that this right-wing – attempted right-wing coup against her government was used as an excuse to move her government to the right.

It did not serve as an excuse to move it to the left, as one might expect.

And, finally, we took a look at some curious circumstances surrounding the handling of some of the people involved – or alleged to have been involved – in this coup plot.

Of the twelve, forty or eighty financial backers that had been reported in various accounts of the coup, only two were named.

And only two were indicted.

And who were these other unnamed conspirators and unindicted conspirators we can only speculate about.

It’s worth noting, too, that David Duke, even though he admitted his involvement in the plot right from the beginning, was never indicted.

Still more evidence that David Duke may be a government agent.

It’s worth noting, too, that although initially twelve people were to be ferried to Dominica, only ten were named.

So, speculation has mounted as to just who the two missing mercenaries actually were.

Recall also that of the two financial backers who were named, one of them died under rather strange circumstances – an alleged suicide – on the very day that the U.S. Attorney announced he was going to prosecute the financial backers of the coup.

And also, we took a look at a plea from David Duke to release one of his lieutenants and the man who succeeded him as head of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a man named Don Black, one of the convicted Dominican plotters.

And, as we saw, David Duke indicated that all they were trying to do as private citizens was what REAGAN was attempting to do as president.

And, as we speculated on throughout the broadcast, perhaps – and I say perhaps – the Granadian plotters, these, and eventual Dominican plotters, these Klansmen and Nazis, were also working for the government.

That concludes the broadcast.

My name is Dave Emory.

Thank you for listening.

Radio-Free …. ..


And we’re back live in the studios.

This is Nip Tuck with Dave Emory.

And you just finished listening to -– actually two -– hard-range segments back-to-back, the first one on David Duke, the second one on the Dominican invasion that would have been the Granadian invasion.

Or, Amber in the Amberdeens.

[Emory:]  Otherwise known as “put up your Dukes”.

[Tuck:]  (laughing) – put up your Dukes – oh, gosh, I’m betting people out there are wishing we hadn’t come back live for that.

Anyway, we’re going to take a short break.

I think pretty much everything that you need to know in that context was summed up.

We will be talking more after the break about some of this stuff again.

We mentioned before, Don Black and David Duke, both of whose names came up.

And in the course of that, you remember the name of Alex McQuirter.

Alex McQuirter’s name is going to come up later in the broadcast, and his involvement in the Dominica coup attempt is significant, and we will be talking about that later.

[Emory:]  Also, remember Frank Camper.  We’re going to come back to him, too.

[Tuck:]  Indeed.

[Tuck:]  Ok, so as mentioned, we’re going to take a quick break for about 7 or 8 minutes, play some music for you, give you a chance to get up and stretch.

And uh, just wanted to mention that the first song we’re going to play was sent up explicitly to be played on this show by one of our faithful listeners, to whom we are eternally grateful.

And, uh, it’s by the grand old man of rock and roll, Chuck Berry.

So you can all enjoy yourself [sic] and jump around a bit while you’re waiting for us to come back with more of Radio Free America, here on KFJC.

[Tuck:]  Alright.  And we are back in the studios.

Alright.  And what you heard was Chuck Berry, “Wasn’t Me” and Melle Mel & Duke Bootee, formerly of what, Sugar Hill gang, I guess, to begin – no, Furious Five – anyway, I can’t keep up with all that stuff – Survival!

Survival is the name of the cut.

And that in fact is what we’re talking about.

And, uh, before that, of course, you heard two long segments from Hard Rain, with Dave Emory.

And Dave is, of course, live here in the studios.

Uh, he is here in the studios, the program is live, Dave is a-live, or ay-live, I hope we got that all straight.

OK, and uh, before we do, we’re going to jump into a couple of short articles on the subject of – basically, actually, linking up what the overall concept of the show, as we’ve been talking about.

We talked about the fact that not only is there a specific Aryan Nations, but that we’re using that as our sort of general catch-all title for the whole thing, but – that the current Aryan Nations in – specifically, the actual group that meets in Hayden Lake, Idahao, is the one that we have uh – is one of the major factors right now in terms of being a clearing house for ideas – a meeting place for fascists and racists of all stripes.

And also because of the connections of the people involved with Hayden Lake, Idaho, such as uh, Wesley Swift, and their involvement with such things as uh, the military, the intelligence departments, and the aeronautics and space industry that makes them a somewhat powerful force.

And then on top of that their connection into the right-wing milieu with the KKK and the American Nazi party and other groups of that ilk.

So, that’s what we’re talking about, and we’re going to tie those strings up a little tighter between those two groups, the actual Aryan Nations based in Hayden Lake and uh, the KKK and the rest of the milieu.

We have an article from the Portland Oregonian for November 18th, 1984.

And they’re talking about a gathering at the Aryan Nations headquarters in Hayden Lake, Idaho.

And it says, uh –

“At the gathering were Robert Miles, former Grand Dragon of the Michigan KKK; Don Black, a Grand Dragon of the KKK from Alabama; Edward Arlt, an Aryan Nations official from Texas, and Alexi Erlanger, leader of the Liberation Movement of the German Reich from Buffalo, New York.”

Now, again, Don Black.

Same gentleman that is currently in jail, uh, who was involved with the Dominica coup plot, and who us – basically, that David Duke uh, portrayed as a great American who was just trying to do as a private citizen what Ronald Reagan was doing as a public citizen, which of course could be said of a lot of things that uh, have gone on with the Nazis and the Klan and the Reagan administration.

Anyway, going along on that, in that vein – as far as putting those particular groups together – and uh, the way that the uh, these groups have organized themselves and have linked themselves together is becoming more and more sophisticated.

And, more and more also, the Aryan Nations itself is becoming a linking, or a linkage area for these groups.

[Emory:]  Now, but, there are an awful lot of Klan groups around, so maybe giving uh, giving the name of this particular group – that the main group that we’re looking at is the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

There’s also a group that call themselves the “White Knights”.

Whether that’s an offshoot or not.

But the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are what we’re looking at.

Uh, David Duke was the Grand Dragon originally, succeeded by Don Black, the fellow from the Dominican invasion, along with David Duke.

Also a fellow named Louis Beam, is the head of the Texas Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

That’s the Texas wing of that organization.

Because it’s the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan that we’re going to be looking at.

Also, very briefly, at The Invisible Empire, headed up by Bill Wilkonson.

But, the main Klan group that we’re looking at in connection with Aryan Nations is the uh, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.

[Tuck:]  Okay.

Going to read a short segment now from an article uh, originally from the New York Times of September 9th, 1985.

The headline is “Eleven in Neo-Nazi ‘Order’ On Trial” today.

Of course, they’re referring to the group that calls itself “The Order” or “The Silent Brotherhood”, part of the Aryan Nations umbrella.

And uh, they’re talking about two people here whose names I think might have been mentioned – uh, or mentioned in the article – that uh, are not explained in the section we’re reading.

One is Matthews.

Matthews, of course, is Robert Matthews, who was one of the lead – who was the leader of the group and who died in a shoot-out with authorities at Whidbey Island.

Um – Matthews was also one of the people who apparently, they claim, helped to plot the assassination of talk-show host Alan Berg in Denver, Colorado.

Um, now, the other man they’re going to refer to is going to be called only “the man in room 14”.

Tthat man is a man by the name of Martinez, who was a – apparently a government informant who infiltrated the Order.

Okay, again, reading from that article, “Eleven in Neo-Nazi ‘Order’ On Trial”.

“ Before Mr. Matthews [Robert Matthews, again] was killed December 7th, 1984 in a fire set by illumination flares on Whidby Island in Puget Sound, in a shoot-out with 200 state and federal officers, his named was signed to a letter reproduced on a computer link-up known as the Aryan Liberty Network, reached by telephone line with a code name.

“ The letter read, in part:

“ ‘As for the traitor in room 14, we will eventually find him.

“ ‘If it takes ten years and we have to travel through the ends of the Earth, we will find him.

“ ‘ And, true to our oath, when we do, we will remove his head from his body.’”

The computer network was set up by a Texas Ku Klux Klansman, Louis Beam, who is also an official of the Aryan Nations, a neo-Nazi group based at Hayden Lake, Idaho, of which the Order is a splinter group.

So, again, the connections, uh, very tight here.

We have a man who’s setting up the computer network who was not only a Texas Klansman, but also an official of the Aryan Nations.

[Emory:]  Okay.  Now, the uh, uh – Louis Beam – here, basically, is a – succeeds the line of succession from David Duke to Don –

Well, actually, uh – Don Black hasn’t really resigned from the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan – uh, Black is the uh – the head, still – succeeding David Duke.

But his Texas Lieutenant, the fellow who heads up his Texas organization, is Louis Beam, and also a key official with Aryan Nations.

And, uh, that’s important to remember, because we do have the uh – this line of transition from Duke –

Actually, we should think of the line of transition and succession from George Lincoln Rockwell – which is where Duke got his start – to David Duke, to Don Black, and along with Don Black, his Texas lieutenant, the head of his Texas organization, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Louis

Not only a member of the Aryan Nations but specifically the person who sets up the Aryan Nations, uh, computer networks.

So, again, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and the Duke line of succession we’re really looking at here.  [Tape ends 42:28.]

One Response to “Transcript of “Duke And Friends’ Involvement In Operation Red Dog / Bayou of Pigs””

  • Admin_RD Admin_RD:

    Dave Emory quotes an interview given by David Duke to the The Las Vegas Sun of October 28th, 1983. Says Emory, “It’s a UPI story dateline New Orleans and headlined:  “ Ex KKK leader reveals ’79 plot for invasion”.

    In the story, David Duke says:

    ‘I think it’s a gross injustice that Mr. Black is imprisoned for trying to do courageously as a private citizen what President Reagan is trying to do today.’

    Duke was referring to the United States’ invasion of Communist-controlled Grenada by the Reagan administration.

    But the coup for which his friend Don Black was tried and put in prison was on Dominica, not on Grenada.  The Grenada coup had been called off.  Dominica was not Communist, and was friendly to the United States.

    David Duke thus defends the planned coup on Dominica as “fighting Communism” when he pleads for the release from prison of his friend, Don Black who was intercepted on his way to attack non-Communist Dominica.

    The men were heavily armed (see the image gallery at this web site) and would have murdered innocent people, but not to free the hemisphere from Communism.  They were going to kill anyone who stood in their way, but not to advance the interests of the United States.

    David Duke cannot defend the coup on Dominica as the plan of men “courageously” “fighting Communism”.  Duke needs to come up with a better excuse, because this one doesn’t hold water.